New England Golfing Directory
Leading directory for Golf in New England
Quickly find a great playable golf course website in New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont
Welcome to Golfing in new england!
New Hampshire
Here are many of the golf courses you can play in Vermont. The golf courses are public, semi-private or resort clubs. The golf clubs are listed alphabetical by the city. If you click on most of the golf course names, you will be brought directly to the clubs website.
Welcome to the New England Golfing Guide. and are the leading directories for Golf in New England. The New England States have great golf courses, both semi-private and public, all teed up just for you. Find and play golf on New Hampshire golf courses, Maine golf courses, and Vermont golf courses. The quality of New England golf is superb and the variety of choices is amazing. Best of all, New England golf course prices are moderate. Review and compare New England golf courses using this website. First, select the state and click on the golf course link. It is easy to compare and identify the golf course that interests you in any of the New England states. Enjoy and play well.

Anticipation, excitement, fear, frustration and embarrassment, let the golf games begin!
First of the season golf rounds are not pretty, sometimes just ugly. My preference is to play the 1st rounds alone or with strangers. One of the best takeaways from the first golf rounds is empathy and understanding better what a new golfer goes through, as they pick...
Better Golf As We Age
Last year was a major transformation of my golf game. At age where my body is no longer capable of what my head remembered, from just a few years, how to play the game. Last year showed distance noticeably reduced, golf swing much shorter and handicaps on the rise....
How often do we come up short on shot to green?
In reality, we typically do not hit a club as far as we think we do. How often on the shot to the green do we come up short? Ball distance is the result of many factors. In the spring and fall, when the weather is cooler, the...